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USS Enterprise CV-6
The Most Decorated Ship of the Second World War

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This Plan of the Day, dated 29 October 1942, was issued three days after the Battle of Santa Cruz, during which Enterprise was damaged by enemy air attack.

Document courtesy of Arnold Olson.


General Directive: Condition Watches; General Quarters; Air Operations; Repair and Salvage Operations.

Routine except:
0400Call Air Department and Squadrons.
0405Call pilots and flying personnel.
0420Early breakfast for flying personnel (20).
Early breakfast for Air Department and Squadron Officers (35).
Flight Quarters.
0445Blow tubes.
0450Pilots of First Flight man ready rooms.
0457Alert the Watch.
0530Call all Hands.
Launch First Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
0600Early breakfast for Air Department and Squadrons.
0645Up late bunks.
0700Early breakfast for Watch 1.
0800Breakfast for Watch 2.
0810Flight Quarters.
0830Turn to. Continue Repair and Salvage Operations.
0840Launch Second Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
0850Land First Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
1030Early dinner for Air Department and Squadrons.
1100Early dinner for Watch 2.
1115Early lunch for Watch 2 Officers.
1120Flight quarters.
1150Launch Third Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
1200Dinner for Watch 1.
Lunch for Watch 1 Officers.
1300Turn to. Continue Repair and Salvage Operations.
1430Flight quarters.
1500Launch Fourth Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
1510Land Third Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
1615Early supper for Watch 2.
1630Early supper for Air Department and Squadrons.
1715Early dinner for Watch 2 Officers.
Set Condition of Readiness II, Watch 2.
1720Supper for Watch 1.
1745Dinner for Watch 1 Officers.
1815Land Fourth Inner and Intermediate Air Patrols.
1847(about) General Quarters and Darken ship at sunset.
1947(about) Set Condition of Readiness II, Watch 1.
1955Blow tubes.
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A limit of three (3) suits of dungarees, three (3) suits of underwear, four towels, three (3) pairs of socks, one mattress cover, and one pillow cover has been put into effect on all crew's laundry bundles. Please do not send any more than the above, for it will only delay the laundering of your clothes, as any clothing in excess of the above will be returned unwashed.

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All officers desiring hair cuts are requested to obtain them in the Crew's Barber Shop. Until fresh water has been restored, the barbers are doing no shaving.

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The Ship's Secretary requests that all officers who had any registered publications in spaces which were damaged in the action of Monday, October 26, report the status of such publications immediately.

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A check book of the City Bank and Trust Company of Macon, Georgia, a pair of gold rimmed glasses, and an amount of money has been found in the vicinity of the Wardroom Bunk Room. Owners may obtain the above by applying at the First Lieutenant's Office.

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All bomb fragments found should be turned in to the Gunnery Officer properly tagged with name, rate, and division, and place found.

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Commander Task Force SIXTEEN has asked that all hands be strongly impressed with the great military importance of not revealing any information whatever concerning our damage or losses until such information is released by proper authority. Every officer and man must make it his personal responsibility to see that neither he himself nor any other person of the Ship's Company divulges any information concerning our recent engagement.

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Fresh Water is now supplied to washrooms. All hands are cautioned to conserve its use. The supply is limited because we are using one of the feed bottoms which has a very much smaller capacity than our regular fresh water bottoms. It is fed directly from the evaporators for part of each 24 hours and we cannot build up as large a reserve during the night as when the regular tanks are in use.

The water will be warm but it will be fresh. Before long some of the scuttlebutts will be placed in commission.

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In yesterdays war information bulletin, it was stated that the PORTLAND'S observers estimated that the HORNET and ENTERPRISE were attacked by 84 enemy planes. This was an error. The PORTLAND estimated that 84 planes attacked the ENTERPRISE alone.

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Following the action on the 26th, Task Force 16 retired to the southeast and then to the south. The numerous enemy submarines necessitated evasive action even though there was little fear from enemy aircraft after the ENTERPRISE and HORNET Air Groups had worked over the SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU. It is believed that a smaller, slower, converted carrier still remains undamaged, but it should be no match for our augmented Air Group.

Yesterday morning a 200 mile search was launched in addition to the usual Inner Air and Combat Air Patrols. One plane, 8-T-10, Ens. J.E. BOUDREAUX, pilot, with BOWEN, AOM2c. and PICARD, ARM3c, as gunner and radioman respectively, failed to return from the search. It is hoped they were able to reach some of the NEW HEBRIDES which were to the southeast of us or were able to man their rubber boat. Frequent reports are being received of personnel rescued by ships or patrols boats around the scene of the battle.

This morning another 200 mile search was scheduled but because of a front the distance was reduced to 100 miles. Heavy Inner Air Patrols were maintained throughout the day to cover fueling of our light forces. In the afternoon an Intermediate Air Patrol replaced the search because we are under cover of searches from our shore bases. A Combat Patrol was also maintained from dawn until shortly after dark.

At sunset we were about 200 miles east northeast of EFATE and 450 miles northeast of NOUMEA. Present indications are that we will proceed to NOUMEA. Needless to say, none of us wish to reveal any information which may be of help to the enemy. We must guard against making any mention of operations of the past few days to anyone outside the ship's company. There are undoubtedly enemy agents and sympathizers in NOUMEA who will be on the lookout for any information regarding damage to our forces and past or prospective operations. We know we licked the JAPS. They suffered far heavier naval losses than we did and we still hold GUADALCANAL. Let's not even give the enemy the satisfaction of knowing even what relatively little damage they did to us.

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(Signed) W. F. BOONE
Commander, U.S. Navy,
Executive Officer.

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