Richard Mathsen generously contributed extensive research to this article.
Between 1941 and 1945, Enterprise's anti-aircraft armament changed
considerably. Her defenses early in the war, while impressive on paper, were largely ineffective
against determined attack. The 1.1" guns were deafening, literally. Until
effective fire control radar and proximity-fused shells became available, the 5"/38
barrels' long reach could not be exploited. And the .50-caliber machine guns
could do little more than spray small shells in the general direction of an attacking plane.
With the introduction of the Oerlikon 20mm machine guns in spring 1942,
the situation began to change for the better. Though the Big E was severely damaged by air
attacks in the fall - during the Battle
of the Eastern Solomons and Santa
Cruz - her action reports explicitly comment on the heavy toll of enemy planes taken by the
20mm batteries.
As effective as the Oerlikon was, however, its short range meant it couldn't be relied on
to knock down an enemy plane before the attacker had released its ordnance. The
Bofors 40mm - which replaced the old 1.1" mounts in late 1942 - and the
5"/38 had both the range and hitting power to drop enemy aircraft at greater distances.
Enterprise retained her original complement of eight 5"/38 guns
throughout her career, and by war's end she bristled with over fifty 40mm barrels.
Following are basic specifications for the anti-aircraft armament carried by
Enterprise CV-6 during her career. A few explanatory notes:
- Rate of fire is measured in rounds per minute per barrel (or "tube"). The
listed rate of fire was rarely, if ever, achieved in practice. Most gun magazines held
fewer than a minute's worth of rounds, so time would be lost while exchanging magazines.
In addition, the stress of sustained high rates of fire would quickly weaken gun barrels,
necessitating their replacement.
- Unfortunately, effective range is not known in all cases, but in general a gun's
effective range was far less than its theoretical maximum. Beyond the effective range,
accuracy fell off rapidly, and projectile velocity was reduced as well. Note that the
limited effective range of most guns meant that crews had little time in which to engage
and destroy an attacking plane.
Browning M2 .50-Caliber Machine Gun
Projectile Weight: | 0.045 kg / 0.100 lb |
Rate of Fire: | 500 rounds/min |
Effective Range: | Unknown |
Maximum Range: | 6770 m / 7400 yds |
Ceiling: | 4570 m / 5000 yds at 90° elevation |
5/38-10/38 |
10/38-10/41 |
10/41-2/42 |
2/42-4/42 |
4/42-7/42 |
7/42-9/42 |
10/42-11/42 |
11/42-10/43 |
10/43-8/45 |
9/45-2/47 |
- |
24 single |
24+ single |
Varies |
Unknown |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Quad 1.1" 75-Caliber Cannon
Projectile Weight: | 0.416 kg / 0.917 lb |
Rate of Fire: | 150 rounds/min |
Rate of Train: | 24°/sec elevation, 30°/sec train |
Effective Range: | Unknown |
Maximum Range: | 6770 m / 7400 yds at 40° elevation |
Ceiling: | 5760 m / 6300 yds at 90° elevation |
5/38-10/38 |
10/38-10/41 |
10/41-2/42 |
2/42-4/42 |
4/42-7/42 |
7/42-9/42 |
10/42-11/42 |
11/42-10/43 |
10/43-8/45 |
9/45-2/47 |
- |
4 quad |
4 quad |
4 quad |
4 quad |
5 quad |
1 quad |
1 quad |
- |
- |
Oerlikon Single 20mm Machine Gun
Projectile Weight: | 0.123 kg / 0.271 lb |
Rate of Fire: | 450 rounds/min |
Effective Range: | 914 m / 1000 yds |
Maximum Range: | 4390 m / 4800 yds at 35° elevation |
Ceiling: | 3050 m / 3300 yds at 90° elevation |
5/38-10/38 |
10/38-10/41 |
10/41-2/42 |
2/42-4/42 |
4/42-7/42 |
7/42-9/42 |
10/42-11/42 |
11/42-10/43 |
10/43-8/45 |
9/45-2/47 |
- |
- |
- |
Varies |
32 single |
40 single |
44 single |
46 single |
50 single |
16 twin |
Bofors 40mm Cannon
Projectile Weight: | 0.901 kg / 1.985 lb |
Rate of Fire: | 160 rounds/min |
Rate of Train: | 24°/sec elevation, 30°/sec train |
Effective Range: | 2700 m / 3000 yds |
Maximum Range: | 10,060 m / 11,000 yds at 42° elevation |
Ceiling: | 6950 m / 7600 yds at 90° elevation |
5/38-10/38 |
10/38-10/41 |
10/41-2/42 |
2/42-4/42 |
4/42-7/42 |
7/42-9/42 |
10/42-11/42 |
11/42-10/43 |
10/43-8/45 |
9/45-2/47 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 quad |
4 quad |
8 twin / 6 quad |
5 twin / 11 quad |
5" 38-Caliber Dual-Purpose Gun
Projectile Weight: | 24.5 kg / 54 lb |
Rate of Fire: | 15 rounds/min |
Rate of Train: | 18°/sec elevation, 34°/sec train |
Effective Range: | Unknown |
Maximum Range: | 16,640 m / 18,200 yds at 45° elevation |
Ceiling: | 11,340 m / 12,400 yds at 85° elevation |
5/38-10/38 |
10/38-10/41 |
10/41-2/42 |
2/42-4/42 |
4/42-7/42 |
7/42-9/42 |
10/42-11/42 |
11/42-10/43 |
10/43-8/45 |
9/45-2/47 |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |
8 single |